The Epsilon Group
Data modeling, analytics, and simulation services
Dedicated to advancing the comprehension and management of diabetes mellitus with the overarching aim to enhance healthcare quality and delivery.

We deliver exclusive bio-simulation services and software, namely Type 1 Diabetes Metabolic Simulator (T1DMS) and Diabetes Mellitus Metabolic Simulator (DMMS), facilitating physiologically-based modeling across various challenges in both laboratory and translational research settings.

Our core competency lies in the realm of glucose-insulin metabolism, encompassing Type 1, Type 2, and Pre-Diabetes. We provide simulation and consulting services geared towards the development and refinement of diabetes-specific treatments, clinical and lifestyle protocols, and monitoring devices, employing a distinctive and specialized modeling software. We feature T1DMS with an FDA-approved in silico patient population, alongside the DMMS.R incorporating additional in silico populations for Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) and Pre-Diabetes.
Life Sciences and Pharma
Develop physiologically-based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic drug models, test control algorithms, simulate clinical trials and examine outcomes to optimize therapy and eliminate non-viable solutions cost-effectively, early in the R&D phase.
Healthcare Simulate interventions and self-management of diabetes and related disease processes to optimize care delivery and understanding of disease management.
Education Utilize latest compartmental and mathematical modeling techniques to educate current and future healthcare providers, engineers and researchers across many disciplines.
Get in Touch
Reach out if there are any products or services you want to learn more about.
The Epsilon Group
915 E. High St.
Charlottesville, VA 22902